M. Desi Tahiraj Consulting Inc.

  • 1241 Anderson Avenue #13 Desi Tahiraj
    1241 Anderson Avenue #13
    Fort Lee, NJ 07024 | Map
  • 2019511178 2019511178
  • Description Are you a high-performance executive suffering burnout? Are you an HR manager in an academic institution or a government entity working to improve your profitability, efficiency and eliminate dysfunction? If so, I can help you. I have a special program for high-performance executives suffering from burnout. I will use a unique proven formula and steps that will bring success for a lifetime. I've improved the hiring, operation, immigration, and relationship process for five startup centers at Columbia University for 17 years and 10 years in government agencies I have achieved and sustain reductions in operational cost of 23%, improved on time of delivery, and reduced dysfunctions to improve service quality to 90%. I teach leadership qualities that bring high-performance and sustainability to business. I have human resources in my blood. I have spent over 20 years working in the field, and nothing gives me more pleasure than transforming an organization and its executives.
  • https://desitahiraj.com/ Visit Site
  • tahirajdesi@gmail.com Send Message