Victory Technology and Career Development Training Center

  • 301 Tucker Avenue Gail Ausby
    301 Tucker Avenue
    Union, NJ 07083 | Map
  • (973) 865-9302 (973) 865-9302
  • Description The Provision of Promise Outreach Development Corporation is the Parent Company of the Victory Technology and Career Advancement Center located in Union New Jersey. Our primary goal is to impact the lives of people of the Union, Essex, Bergen, and Hudson County communities through social, economic and educational programs. We are proud to include the Victory Technology and Career Advancement Center as an agency that will provide training and the equipping need for proper job placement. We desire to be an agency that will help improve the quality of life for young adults and adults through the technological, business and financial planning, career enhancement courses and interaction with leading local businesses that will extend training and apprenticeship programs, that lead to full time employment.
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