
Angelo's Ristorante

Angelo's Ristorante


Angelo's Ristorante

263 Ridge Road
Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
Angelo's prides itself on offering simply prepared food using the best quality ingredients and doesn't follow trends or fads. The few additions to the menu in over 50 years had all been carefully considered: Calamari Fritti was a favorite of Angelo's granddaughter; Insalata Caprese, which Angelo and Lucy had discovered in Capri; Chicken Parmigiana because customers were clamoring for a chicken dish and it was in keeping with spirit of the menu; and the recent additions of Broccoli Rabe and Artichokes Oreganata, Lucia, to expand the vegetable selections and because they were favorites of Angelo's at home. The consistent quality of the food, service, and warm welcome extended to all have been the keys to the restaurant's success and popularity.
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